
Key creates cutting-edge data activations, generating new revenue opportunities for talent and better business outcomes for brands.With breakthrough companies and events, Gold Cred provides connections and massive spread of influence. Key has benefited from this collaboration which has created sponsorships and partnership opportunities. With Key emerging as a massive data and media software, Malik has been able to connect some of the world’s forerunning talent to this upcoming platform.


Jeng is a hemp-infused alcohol-free drink company that has many products with CBD. As a senior advisor, Gold Cred’s Malik Adunni has provided insight for product influence to help increase production and sales. His ability to create opportunities through social media allows for companies, such as Jeng, to expand their marketing. With Jeng he has been able to increase their social media presence by creating Instagram Reels for Jeng’s CBD products. 

Hit House

The Hit House is a music and licensing company that started doing work with Gold Cred in 2020. The Hit House has partnerships with Disney, Netflix, and many other streaming platforms and entertainment companies. In 2021, Malik signed Maestro - actor and musician and went on to secure a commercial with Progressive.